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PHP Cross Reference of Unnamed Project




/se3-ocs/sources/www/ -> donnees.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  //====================================================================================
   4  // Copyleft Pierre LEMMET 2005
   5  // Web: http://ocsinventory.sourceforge.net
   6  //
   7  // This code is open source and may be copied and modified as long as the source
   8  // code is always made freely available.
   9  // Please refer to the General Public Licence http://www.gnu.org/ or Licence.txt
  10  //====================================================================================
  11  //Modified on 11/29/2005
  13  include  ('req.class.php');
  14  //GEND
  15  $user=$_SESSION["loggeduser"];
  16  $mesMachines="a.".TAG_NAME." IN (SELECT DISTINCT(cm.code) FROM ocsweb.codeunite cm WHERE cm.login='$user')";
  18  if($_SESSION["lvluser"]==SADMIN||$_SESSION["lvluser"]==LADMIN)
  19  {
  20      $mesMachines="";
  21  }
  22  //FGEND    
  23  /**********************************************/
  24      $lbl=$l->g(2);        //Nom de la requete    
  25      $sql = $mesMachines;
  26      $whereId = "h.id";
  27      $linkId = "h.id";
  28      $select = array_merge( array("h.id"=>"h.id" ,"deviceid"=>"deviceid"), $_SESSION["currentFieldList"] );    
  29      $selectPrelim = array( "h.id"=>"h.id" );
  30      $from = "hardware h LEFT JOIN accountinfo a ON a.hardware_id=h.id LEFT JOIN bios b ON b.hardware_id=h.id";
  31      $fromPrelim = "";
  32      $group = "";
  33      $order = "";
  34      $countId = "h.id";
  35      $pics = array("ttmachines.png", "ttmachines_a.png");
  36      $req=new Req($lbl,$whereId,$linkId,$sql,$select,$selectPrelim,$from,$fromPrelim,$group,$order,$countId,$pics,true); // Instanciation du nouvel objet de type "Req"
  37      $requetes[]=$req;    // On l'ajoute au tableau $requetes contenant toutes les requêtes de l'application'
  38  /**********************************************/
  40  /**********************************************/
  41      $lbl=$l->g(182);        //Nom de la requete
  43      // Commande SQL de la requete
  44      $lblChmp[0]=TAG_LBL; // Nom du parametre 1
  45      $sqlChmp[0]="SELECT a.".TAG_NAME." FROM hardware h LEFT JOIN accountinfo a ON a.hardware_id=h.id GROUP BY a.".TAG_NAME."";
  46      $typChmp[0]="FREE";
  48      $sql = "a.".TAG_NAME." = 'option0'";
  49      if( $mesMachines != "" ) $sql .= " AND ";
  50      $sql .= $mesMachines; 
  51      $whereId = "h.id";
  52      $linkId = "h.id";
  53      $select = array_merge( array("h.id"=>"h.id"), $_SESSION["currentFieldList"] );
  54      $selectPrelim = array( "h.id"=>"h.id" );
  55      $from = "hardware h LEFT JOIN accountinfo a ON a.hardware_id=h.id LEFT JOIN bios b ON b.hardware_id=h.id";
  56      $fromPrelim = "";
  57      $group = "";
  58      $order = "";
  59      $countId = "h.id";
  60      $pics = array("rien.png", "rien.png");
  61      $req=new Req($lbl,$whereId,$linkId,$sql,$select,$selectPrelim,$from,$fromPrelim,$group,$order,$countId,$pics,true,$lblChmp,$sqlChmp,$typChmp); // Instanciation du nouvel objet de type "Req"
  62      $requetes[]=$req;    // On l'ajoute au tableau $requetes contenant toutes les requêtes de l'application'
  63  /**********************************************/
  65  /**********************************************/
  66      $lbl=$l->g(178);        
  68      $sql = $mesMachines;
  69      $whereId = "a.".TAG_NAME;
  70      $linkId = TAG_LBL;    
  71      $select = array ( "a.".TAG_NAME=>TAG_LBL, "COUNT(h.id)"=>$l->g(28) );
  72      $selectPrelim = array( "a.".TAG_NAME=>TAG_LBL,"COUNT(h.id)"=>$l->g(28) );
  73      $from = "hardware h LEFT JOIN accountinfo a ON a.hardware_id=h.id";
  74      $fromPrelim = "";
  75      $group = "a.".TAG_NAME;
  76      $order = "\"".$l->g(28)."\" DESC";
  77      $countId = "a.".TAG_NAME;
  78      $pics = array("repartition.png", "repartition_a.png");
  79      $req=new Req($lbl,$whereId,$linkId,$sql,$select,$selectPrelim, $from,$fromPrelim,$group,$order,$countId,$pics);
  80      $requetes[]=$req;
  81  /**********************************************/
  82  ?>

Generated: Tue Mar 17 22:47:18 2015 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1