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/se3-unattended/var/se3/unattended/install/linuxaux/opt/perl/lib/5.10.0/i586-linux-thread-multi/Data/ -> Dumper.pm (source)

   1  #
   2  # Data/Dumper.pm
   3  #
   4  # convert perl data structures into perl syntax suitable for both printing
   5  # and eval
   6  #
   7  # Documentation at the __END__
   8  #
  10  package Data::Dumper;
  12  $VERSION = '2.121_14';
  14  #$| = 1;
  16  use 5.006_001;
  17  require Exporter;
  18  require overload;
  20  use Carp;
  22  BEGIN {
  23      @ISA = qw(Exporter);
  24      @EXPORT = qw(Dumper);
  25      @EXPORT_OK = qw(DumperX);
  27      # if run under miniperl, or otherwise lacking dynamic loading,
  28      # XSLoader should be attempted to load, or the pure perl flag
  29      # toggled on load failure.
  30      eval {
  31      require XSLoader;
  32      };
  33      $Useperl = 1 if $@;
  34  }
  36  XSLoader::load( 'Data::Dumper' ) unless $Useperl;
  38  # module vars and their defaults
  39  $Indent     = 2         unless defined $Indent;
  40  $Purity     = 0         unless defined $Purity;
  41  $Pad        = ""        unless defined $Pad;
  42  $Varname    = "VAR"     unless defined $Varname;
  43  $Useqq      = 0         unless defined $Useqq;
  44  $Terse      = 0         unless defined $Terse;
  45  $Freezer    = ""        unless defined $Freezer;
  46  $Toaster    = ""        unless defined $Toaster;
  47  $Deepcopy   = 0         unless defined $Deepcopy;
  48  $Quotekeys  = 1         unless defined $Quotekeys;
  49  $Bless      = "bless"   unless defined $Bless;
  50  #$Expdepth   = 0         unless defined $Expdepth;
  51  $Maxdepth   = 0         unless defined $Maxdepth;
  52  $Pair       = ' => '    unless defined $Pair;
  53  $Useperl    = 0         unless defined $Useperl;
  54  $Sortkeys   = 0         unless defined $Sortkeys;
  55  $Deparse    = 0         unless defined $Deparse;
  57  #
  58  # expects an arrayref of values to be dumped.
  59  # can optionally pass an arrayref of names for the values.
  60  # names must have leading $ sign stripped. begin the name with *
  61  # to cause output of arrays and hashes rather than refs.
  62  #
  63  sub new {
  64    my($c, $v, $n) = @_;
  66    croak "Usage:  PACKAGE->new(ARRAYREF, [ARRAYREF])" 
  67      unless (defined($v) && (ref($v) eq 'ARRAY'));
  68    $n = [] unless (defined($n) && (ref($v) eq 'ARRAY'));
  70    my($s) = { 
  71               level      => 0,           # current recursive depth
  72           indent     => $Indent,     # various styles of indenting
  73           pad    => $Pad,        # all lines prefixed by this string
  74           xpad       => "",          # padding-per-level
  75           apad       => "",          # added padding for hash keys n such
  76           sep        => "",          # list separator
  77           pair    => $Pair,    # hash key/value separator: defaults to ' => '
  78           seen       => {},          # local (nested) refs (id => [name, val])
  79           todump     => $v,          # values to dump []
  80           names      => $n,          # optional names for values []
  81           varname    => $Varname,    # prefix to use for tagging nameless ones
  82               purity     => $Purity,     # degree to which output is evalable
  83               useqq     => $Useqq,      # use "" for strings (backslashitis ensues)
  84               terse     => $Terse,      # avoid name output (where feasible)
  85               freezer    => $Freezer,    # name of Freezer method for objects
  86               toaster    => $Toaster,    # name of method to revive objects
  87               deepcopy    => $Deepcopy,   # dont cross-ref, except to stop recursion
  88               quotekeys    => $Quotekeys,  # quote hash keys
  89               'bless'    => $Bless,    # keyword to use for "bless"
  90  #         expdepth   => $Expdepth,   # cutoff depth for explicit dumping
  91           maxdepth    => $Maxdepth,   # depth beyond which we give up
  92           useperl    => $Useperl,    # use the pure Perl implementation
  93           sortkeys   => $Sortkeys,   # flag or filter for sorting hash keys
  94           deparse    => $Deparse,    # use B::Deparse for coderefs
  95         };
  97    if ($Indent > 0) {
  98      $s->{xpad} = "  ";
  99      $s->{sep} = "\n";
 100    }
 101    return bless($s, $c);
 102  }
 104  if ($] >= 5.006) {
 105    # Packed numeric addresses take less memory. Plus pack is faster than sprintf
 106    *init_refaddr_format = sub {};
 108    *format_refaddr  = sub {
 109      require Scalar::Util;
 110      pack "J", Scalar::Util::refaddr(shift);
 111    };
 112  } else {
 113    *init_refaddr_format = sub {
 114      require Config;
 115      my $f = $Config::Config{uvxformat};
 116      $f =~ tr/"//d;
 117      our $refaddr_format = "0x%" . $f;
 118    };
 120    *format_refaddr = sub {
 121      require Scalar::Util;
 122      sprintf our $refaddr_format, Scalar::Util::refaddr(shift);
 123    }
 124  }
 126  #
 127  # add-to or query the table of already seen references
 128  #
 129  sub Seen {
 130    my($s, $g) = @_;
 131    if (defined($g) && (ref($g) eq 'HASH'))  {
 132      init_refaddr_format();
 133      my($k, $v, $id);
 134      while (($k, $v) = each %$g) {
 135        if (defined $v and ref $v) {
 136      $id = format_refaddr($v);
 137      if ($k =~ /^[*](.*)$/) {
 138        $k = (ref $v eq 'ARRAY') ? ( "\\\@" . $1 ) :
 139             (ref $v eq 'HASH')  ? ( "\\\%" . $1 ) :
 140             (ref $v eq 'CODE')  ? ( "\\\&" . $1 ) :
 141                       (   "\$" . $1 ) ;
 142      }
 143      elsif ($k !~ /^\$/) {
 144        $k = "\$" . $k;
 145      }
 146      $s->{seen}{$id} = [$k, $v];
 147        }
 148        else {
 149      carp "Only refs supported, ignoring non-ref item \$$k";
 150        }
 151      }
 152      return $s;
 153    }
 154    else {
 155      return map { @$_ } values %{$s->{seen}};
 156    }
 157  }
 159  #
 160  # set or query the values to be dumped
 161  #
 162  sub Values {
 163    my($s, $v) = @_;
 164    if (defined($v) && (ref($v) eq 'ARRAY'))  {
 165      $s->{todump} = [@$v];        # make a copy
 166      return $s;
 167    }
 168    else {
 169      return @{$s->{todump}};
 170    }
 171  }
 173  #
 174  # set or query the names of the values to be dumped
 175  #
 176  sub Names {
 177    my($s, $n) = @_;
 178    if (defined($n) && (ref($n) eq 'ARRAY'))  {
 179      $s->{names} = [@$n];         # make a copy
 180      return $s;
 181    }
 182    else {
 183      return @{$s->{names}};
 184    }
 185  }
 187  sub DESTROY {}
 189  sub Dump {
 190      return &Dumpxs
 191      unless $Data::Dumper::Useperl || (ref($_[0]) && $_[0]->{useperl}) ||
 192             $Data::Dumper::Useqq   || (ref($_[0]) && $_[0]->{useqq}) ||
 193             $Data::Dumper::Deparse || (ref($_[0]) && $_[0]->{deparse});
 194      return &Dumpperl;
 195  }
 197  #
 198  # dump the refs in the current dumper object.
 199  # expects same args as new() if called via package name.
 200  #
 201  sub Dumpperl {
 202    my($s) = shift;
 203    my(@out, $val, $name);
 204    my($i) = 0;
 205    local(@post);
 206    init_refaddr_format();
 208    $s = $s->new(@_) unless ref $s;
 210    for $val (@{$s->{todump}}) {
 211      my $out = "";
 212      @post = ();
 213      $name = $s->{names}[$i++];
 214      if (defined $name) {
 215        if ($name =~ /^[*](.*)$/) {
 216      if (defined $val) {
 217        $name = (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') ? ( "\@" . $1 ) :
 218            (ref $val eq 'HASH')  ? ( "\%" . $1 ) :
 219            (ref $val eq 'CODE')  ? ( "\*" . $1 ) :
 220                        ( "\$" . $1 ) ;
 221      }
 222      else {
 223        $name = "\$" . $1;
 224      }
 225        }
 226        elsif ($name !~ /^\$/) {
 227      $name = "\$" . $name;
 228        }
 229      }
 230      else {
 231        $name = "\$" . $s->{varname} . $i;
 232      }
 234      # Ensure hash iterator is reset
 235      if (ref($val) eq 'HASH') {
 236          keys(%$val);
 237      }
 239      my $valstr;
 240      {
 241        local($s->{apad}) = $s->{apad};
 242        $s->{apad} .= ' ' x (length($name) + 3) if $s->{indent} >= 2;
 243        $valstr = $s->_dump($val, $name);
 244      }
 246      $valstr = "$name = " . $valstr . ';' if @post or !$s->{terse};
 247      $out .= $s->{pad} . $valstr . $s->{sep};
 248      $out .= $s->{pad} . join(';' . $s->{sep} . $s->{pad}, @post) 
 249        . ';' . $s->{sep} if @post;
 251      push @out, $out;
 252    }
 253    return wantarray ? @out : join('', @out);
 254  }
 256  # wrap string in single quotes (escaping if needed)
 257  sub _quote {
 258      my $val = shift;
 259      $val =~ s/([\\\'])/\\$1/g;
 260      return  "'" . $val .  "'";
 261  }
 263  #
 264  # twist, toil and turn;
 265  # and recurse, of course.
 266  # sometimes sordidly;
 267  # and curse if no recourse.
 268  #
 269  sub _dump {
 270    my($s, $val, $name) = @_;
 271    my($sname);
 272    my($out, $realpack, $realtype, $type, $ipad, $id, $blesspad);
 274    $type = ref $val;
 275    $out = "";
 277    if ($type) {
 279      # Call the freezer method if it's specified and the object has the
 280      # method.  Trap errors and warn() instead of die()ing, like the XS
 281      # implementation.
 282      my $freezer = $s->{freezer};
 283      if ($freezer and UNIVERSAL::can($val, $freezer)) {
 284        eval { $val->$freezer() };
 285        warn "WARNING(Freezer method call failed): $@" if $@;
 286      }
 288      require Scalar::Util;
 289      $realpack = Scalar::Util::blessed($val);
 290      $realtype = $realpack ? Scalar::Util::reftype($val) : ref $val;
 291      $id = format_refaddr($val);
 293      # if it has a name, we need to either look it up, or keep a tab
 294      # on it so we know when we hit it later
 295      if (defined($name) and length($name)) {
 296        # keep a tab on it so that we dont fall into recursive pit
 297        if (exists $s->{seen}{$id}) {
 298  #    if ($s->{expdepth} < $s->{level}) {
 299        if ($s->{purity} and $s->{level} > 0) {
 300          $out = ($realtype eq 'HASH')  ? '{}' :
 301            ($realtype eq 'ARRAY') ? '[]' :
 302          'do{my $o}' ;
 303          push @post, $name . " = " . $s->{seen}{$id}[0];
 304        }
 305        else {
 306          $out = $s->{seen}{$id}[0];
 307          if ($name =~ /^([\@\%])/) {
 308            my $start = $1;
 309            if ($out =~ /^\\$start/) {
 310          $out = substr($out, 1);
 311            }
 312            else {
 313          $out = $start . '{' . $out . '}';
 314            }
 315          }
 316            }
 317        return $out;
 318  #        }
 319        }
 320        else {
 321          # store our name
 322          $s->{seen}{$id} = [ (($name =~ /^[@%]/)     ? ('\\' . $name ) :
 323                   ($realtype eq 'CODE' and
 324                    $name =~ /^[*](.*)$/) ? ('\\&' . $1 )   :
 325                   $name          ),
 326                  $val ];
 327        }
 328      }
 330      if ($realpack and $realpack eq 'Regexp') {
 331      $out = "$val";
 332      $out =~ s,/,\\/,g;
 333      return "qr/$out/";
 334      }
 336      # If purity is not set and maxdepth is set, then check depth: 
 337      # if we have reached maximum depth, return the string
 338      # representation of the thing we are currently examining
 339      # at this depth (i.e., 'Foo=ARRAY(0xdeadbeef)'). 
 340      if (!$s->{purity}
 341      and $s->{maxdepth} > 0
 342      and $s->{level} >= $s->{maxdepth})
 343      {
 344        return qq['$val'];
 345      }
 347      # we have a blessed ref
 348      if ($realpack) {
 349        $out = $s->{'bless'} . '( ';
 350        $blesspad = $s->{apad};
 351        $s->{apad} .= '       ' if ($s->{indent} >= 2);
 352      }
 354      $s->{level}++;
 355      $ipad = $s->{xpad} x $s->{level};
 357      if ($realtype eq 'SCALAR' || $realtype eq 'REF') {
 358        if ($realpack) {
 359      $out .= 'do{\\(my $o = ' . $s->_dump($$val, "\${$name}") . ')}';
 360        }
 361        else {
 362      $out .= '\\' . $s->_dump($$val, "\${$name}");
 363        }
 364      }
 365      elsif ($realtype eq 'GLOB') {
 366      $out .= '\\' . $s->_dump($$val, "*{$name}");
 367      }
 368      elsif ($realtype eq 'ARRAY') {
 369        my($v, $pad, $mname);
 370        my($i) = 0;
 371        $out .= ($name =~ /^\@/) ? '(' : '[';
 372        $pad = $s->{sep} . $s->{pad} . $s->{apad};
 373        ($name =~ /^\@(.*)$/) ? ($mname = "\$" . $1) : 
 374      # omit -> if $foo->[0]->{bar}, but not ${$foo->[0]}->{bar}
 375      ($name =~ /^\\?[\%\@\*\$][^{].*[]}]$/) ? ($mname = $name) :
 376        ($mname = $name . '->');
 377        $mname .= '->' if $mname =~ /^\*.+\{[A-Z]+\}$/;
 378        for $v (@$val) {
 379      $sname = $mname . '[' . $i . ']';
 380      $out .= $pad . $ipad . '#' . $i if $s->{indent} >= 3;
 381      $out .= $pad . $ipad . $s->_dump($v, $sname);
 382      $out .= "," if $i++ < $#$val;
 383        }
 384        $out .= $pad . ($s->{xpad} x ($s->{level} - 1)) if $i;
 385        $out .= ($name =~ /^\@/) ? ')' : ']';
 386      }
 387      elsif ($realtype eq 'HASH') {
 388        my($k, $v, $pad, $lpad, $mname, $pair);
 389        $out .= ($name =~ /^\%/) ? '(' : '{';
 390        $pad = $s->{sep} . $s->{pad} . $s->{apad};
 391        $lpad = $s->{apad};
 392        $pair = $s->{pair};
 393        ($name =~ /^\%(.*)$/) ? ($mname = "\$" . $1) :
 394      # omit -> if $foo->[0]->{bar}, but not ${$foo->[0]}->{bar}
 395      ($name =~ /^\\?[\%\@\*\$][^{].*[]}]$/) ? ($mname = $name) :
 396        ($mname = $name . '->');
 397        $mname .= '->' if $mname =~ /^\*.+\{[A-Z]+\}$/;
 398        my ($sortkeys, $keys, $key) = ("$s->{sortkeys}");
 399        if ($sortkeys) {
 400      if (ref($s->{sortkeys}) eq 'CODE') {
 401        $keys = $s->{sortkeys}($val);
 402        unless (ref($keys) eq 'ARRAY') {
 403          carp "Sortkeys subroutine did not return ARRAYREF";
 404          $keys = [];
 405        }
 406      }
 407      else {
 408        $keys = [ sort keys %$val ];
 409      }
 410        }
 411        while (($k, $v) = ! $sortkeys ? (each %$val) :
 412           @$keys ? ($key = shift(@$keys), $val->{$key}) :
 413           () ) 
 414        {
 415      my $nk = $s->_dump($k, "");
 416      $nk = $1 if !$s->{quotekeys} and $nk =~ /^[\"\']([A-Za-z_]\w*)[\"\']$/;
 417      $sname = $mname . '{' . $nk . '}';
 418      $out .= $pad . $ipad . $nk . $pair;
 420      # temporarily alter apad
 421      $s->{apad} .= (" " x (length($nk) + 4)) if $s->{indent} >= 2;
 422      $out .= $s->_dump($val->{$k}, $sname) . ",";
 423      $s->{apad} = $lpad if $s->{indent} >= 2;
 424        }
 425        if (substr($out, -1) eq ',') {
 426      chop $out;
 427      $out .= $pad . ($s->{xpad} x ($s->{level} - 1));
 428        }
 429        $out .= ($name =~ /^\%/) ? ')' : '}';
 430      }
 431      elsif ($realtype eq 'CODE') {
 432        if ($s->{deparse}) {
 433      require B::Deparse;
 434      my $sub =  'sub ' . (B::Deparse->new)->coderef2text($val);
 435      $pad    =  $s->{sep} . $s->{pad} . $s->{apad} . $s->{xpad} x ($s->{level} - 1);
 436      $sub    =~ s/\n/$pad/gse;
 437      $out   .=  $sub;
 438        } else {
 439          $out .= 'sub { "DUMMY" }';
 440          carp "Encountered CODE ref, using dummy placeholder" if $s->{purity};
 441        }
 442      }
 443      else {
 444        croak "Can\'t handle $realtype type.";
 445      }
 447      if ($realpack) { # we have a blessed ref
 448        $out .= ', ' . _quote($realpack) . ' )';
 449        $out .= '->' . $s->{toaster} . '()'  if $s->{toaster} ne '';
 450        $s->{apad} = $blesspad;
 451      }
 452      $s->{level}--;
 454    }
 455    else {                                 # simple scalar
 457      my $ref = \$_[1];
 458      # first, catalog the scalar
 459      if ($name ne '') {
 460        $id = format_refaddr($ref);
 461        if (exists $s->{seen}{$id}) {
 462          if ($s->{seen}{$id}[2]) {
 463        $out = $s->{seen}{$id}[0];
 464        #warn "[<$out]\n";
 465        return "\${$out}";
 466      }
 467        }
 468        else {
 469      #warn "[>\\$name]\n";
 470      $s->{seen}{$id} = ["\\$name", $ref];
 471        }
 472      }
 473      if (ref($ref) eq 'GLOB' or "$ref" =~ /=GLOB\([^()]+\)$/) {  # glob
 474        my $name = substr($val, 1);
 475        if ($name =~ /^[A-Za-z_][\w:]*$/) {
 476      $name =~ s/^main::/::/;
 477      $sname = $name;
 478        }
 479        else {
 480      $sname = $s->_dump($name, "");
 481      $sname = '{' . $sname . '}';
 482        }
 483        if ($s->{purity}) {
 484      my $k;
 485      local ($s->{level}) = 0;
 486      for $k (qw(SCALAR ARRAY HASH)) {
 487        my $gval = *$val{$k};
 488        next unless defined $gval;
 489        next if $k eq "SCALAR" && ! defined $$gval;  # always there
 491        # _dump can push into @post, so we hold our place using $postlen
 492        my $postlen = scalar @post;
 493        $post[$postlen] = "\*$sname = ";
 494        local ($s->{apad}) = " " x length($post[$postlen]) if $s->{indent} >= 2;
 495        $post[$postlen] .= $s->_dump($gval, "\*$sname\{$k\}");
 496      }
 497        }
 498        $out .= '*' . $sname;
 499      }
 500      elsif (!defined($val)) {
 501        $out .= "undef";
 502      }
 503      elsif ($val =~ /^(?:0|-?[1-9]\d{0,8})\z/) { # safe decimal number
 504        $out .= $val;
 505      }
 506      else {                 # string
 507        if ($s->{useqq} or $val =~ tr/\0-\377//c) {
 508          # Fall back to qq if there's Unicode
 509      $out .= qquote($val, $s->{useqq});
 510        }
 511        else {
 512          $out .= _quote($val);
 513        }
 514      }
 515    }
 516    if ($id) {
 517      # if we made it this far, $id was added to seen list at current
 518      # level, so remove it to get deep copies
 519      if ($s->{deepcopy}) {
 520        delete($s->{seen}{$id});
 521      }
 522      elsif ($name) {
 523        $s->{seen}{$id}[2] = 1;
 524      }
 525    }
 526    return $out;
 527  }
 529  #
 530  # non-OO style of earlier version
 531  #
 532  sub Dumper {
 533    return Data::Dumper->Dump([@_]);
 534  }
 536  # compat stub
 537  sub DumperX {
 538    return Data::Dumper->Dumpxs([@_], []);
 539  }
 541  sub Dumpf { return Data::Dumper->Dump(@_) }
 543  sub Dumpp { print Data::Dumper->Dump(@_) }
 545  #
 546  # reset the "seen" cache 
 547  #
 548  sub Reset {
 549    my($s) = shift;
 550    $s->{seen} = {};
 551    return $s;
 552  }
 554  sub Indent {
 555    my($s, $v) = @_;
 556    if (defined($v)) {
 557      if ($v == 0) {
 558        $s->{xpad} = "";
 559        $s->{sep} = "";
 560      }
 561      else {
 562        $s->{xpad} = "  ";
 563        $s->{sep} = "\n";
 564      }
 565      $s->{indent} = $v;
 566      return $s;
 567    }
 568    else {
 569      return $s->{indent};
 570    }
 571  }
 573  sub Pair {
 574      my($s, $v) = @_;
 575      defined($v) ? (($s->{pair} = $v), return $s) : $s->{pair};
 576  }
 578  sub Pad {
 579    my($s, $v) = @_;
 580    defined($v) ? (($s->{pad} = $v), return $s) : $s->{pad};
 581  }
 583  sub Varname {
 584    my($s, $v) = @_;
 585    defined($v) ? (($s->{varname} = $v), return $s) : $s->{varname};
 586  }
 588  sub Purity {
 589    my($s, $v) = @_;
 590    defined($v) ? (($s->{purity} = $v), return $s) : $s->{purity};
 591  }
 593  sub Useqq {
 594    my($s, $v) = @_;
 595    defined($v) ? (($s->{useqq} = $v), return $s) : $s->{useqq};
 596  }
 598  sub Terse {
 599    my($s, $v) = @_;
 600    defined($v) ? (($s->{terse} = $v), return $s) : $s->{terse};
 601  }
 603  sub Freezer {
 604    my($s, $v) = @_;
 605    defined($v) ? (($s->{freezer} = $v), return $s) : $s->{freezer};
 606  }
 608  sub Toaster {
 609    my($s, $v) = @_;
 610    defined($v) ? (($s->{toaster} = $v), return $s) : $s->{toaster};
 611  }
 613  sub Deepcopy {
 614    my($s, $v) = @_;
 615    defined($v) ? (($s->{deepcopy} = $v), return $s) : $s->{deepcopy};
 616  }
 618  sub Quotekeys {
 619    my($s, $v) = @_;
 620    defined($v) ? (($s->{quotekeys} = $v), return $s) : $s->{quotekeys};
 621  }
 623  sub Bless {
 624    my($s, $v) = @_;
 625    defined($v) ? (($s->{'bless'} = $v), return $s) : $s->{'bless'};
 626  }
 628  sub Maxdepth {
 629    my($s, $v) = @_;
 630    defined($v) ? (($s->{'maxdepth'} = $v), return $s) : $s->{'maxdepth'};
 631  }
 633  sub Useperl {
 634    my($s, $v) = @_;
 635    defined($v) ? (($s->{'useperl'} = $v), return $s) : $s->{'useperl'};
 636  }
 638  sub Sortkeys {
 639    my($s, $v) = @_;
 640    defined($v) ? (($s->{'sortkeys'} = $v), return $s) : $s->{'sortkeys'};
 641  }
 643  sub Deparse {
 644    my($s, $v) = @_;
 645    defined($v) ? (($s->{'deparse'} = $v), return $s) : $s->{'deparse'};
 646  }
 648  # used by qquote below
 649  my %esc = (  
 650      "\a" => "\\a",
 651      "\b" => "\\b",
 652      "\t" => "\\t",
 653      "\n" => "\\n",
 654      "\f" => "\\f",
 655      "\r" => "\\r",
 656      "\e" => "\\e",
 657  );
 659  # put a string value in double quotes
 660  sub qquote {
 661    local($_) = shift;
 662    s/([\\\"\@\$])/\\$1/g;
 663    my $bytes; { use bytes; $bytes = length }
 664    s/([^\x00-\x7f])/'\x{'.sprintf("%x",ord($1)).'}'/ge if $bytes > length;
 665    return qq("$_") unless 
 666      /[^ !"\#\$%&'()*+,\-.\/0-9:;<=>?\@A-Z[\\\]^_`a-z{|}~]/;  # fast exit
 668    my $high = shift || "";
 669    s/([\a\b\t\n\f\r\e])/$esc{$1}/g;
 671    if (ord('^')==94)  { # ascii
 672      # no need for 3 digits in escape for these
 673      s/([\0-\037])(?!\d)/'\\'.sprintf('%o',ord($1))/eg;
 674      s/([\0-\037\177])/'\\'.sprintf('%03o',ord($1))/eg;
 675      # all but last branch below not supported --BEHAVIOR SUBJECT TO CHANGE--
 676      if ($high eq "iso8859") {
 677        s/([\200-\240])/'\\'.sprintf('%o',ord($1))/eg;
 678      } elsif ($high eq "utf8") {
 679  #     use utf8;
 680  #     $str =~ s/([^\040-\176])/sprintf "\\x{%04x}", ord($1)/ge;
 681      } elsif ($high eq "8bit") {
 682          # leave it as it is
 683      } else {
 684        s/([\200-\377])/'\\'.sprintf('%03o',ord($1))/eg;
 685        s/([^\040-\176])/sprintf "\\x{%04x}", ord($1)/ge;
 686      }
 687    }
 688    else { # ebcdic
 689        s{([^ !"\#\$%&'()*+,\-.\/0-9:;<=>?\@A-Z[\\\]^_`a-z{|}~])(?!\d)}
 690         {my $v = ord($1); '\\'.sprintf(($v <= 037 ? '%o' : '%03o'), $v)}eg;
 691        s{([^ !"\#\$%&'()*+,\-.\/0-9:;<=>?\@A-Z[\\\]^_`a-z{|}~])}
 692         {'\\'.sprintf('%03o',ord($1))}eg;
 693    }
 695    return qq("$_");
 696  }
 698  # helper sub to sort hash keys in Perl < 5.8.0 where we don't have
 699  # access to sortsv() from XS
 700  sub _sortkeys { [ sort keys %{$_[0]} ] }
 702  1;
 703  __END__
 705  =head1 NAME
 707  Data::Dumper - stringified perl data structures, suitable for both printing and C<eval>
 709  =head1 SYNOPSIS
 711      use Data::Dumper;
 713      # simple procedural interface
 714      print Dumper($foo, $bar);
 716      # extended usage with names
 717      print Data::Dumper->Dump([$foo, $bar], [qw(foo *ary)]);
 719      # configuration variables
 720      {
 721        local $Data::Dumper::Purity = 1;
 722        eval Data::Dumper->Dump([$foo, $bar], [qw(foo *ary)]);
 723      }
 725      # OO usage
 726      $d = Data::Dumper->new([$foo, $bar], [qw(foo *ary)]);
 727         ...
 728      print $d->Dump;
 729         ...
 730      $d->Purity(1)->Terse(1)->Deepcopy(1);
 731      eval $d->Dump;
 734  =head1 DESCRIPTION
 736  Given a list of scalars or reference variables, writes out their contents in
 737  perl syntax. The references can also be objects.  The contents of each
 738  variable is output in a single Perl statement.  Handles self-referential
 739  structures correctly.
 741  The return value can be C<eval>ed to get back an identical copy of the
 742  original reference structure.
 744  Any references that are the same as one of those passed in will be named
 745  C<$VAR>I<n> (where I<n> is a numeric suffix), and other duplicate references
 746  to substructures within C<$VAR>I<n> will be appropriately labeled using arrow
 747  notation.  You can specify names for individual values to be dumped if you
 748  use the C<Dump()> method, or you can change the default C<$VAR> prefix to
 749  something else.  See C<$Data::Dumper::Varname> and C<$Data::Dumper::Terse>
 750  below.
 752  The default output of self-referential structures can be C<eval>ed, but the
 753  nested references to C<$VAR>I<n> will be undefined, since a recursive
 754  structure cannot be constructed using one Perl statement.  You should set the
 755  C<Purity> flag to 1 to get additional statements that will correctly fill in
 756  these references.  Moreover, if C<eval>ed when strictures are in effect,
 757  you need to ensure that any variables it accesses are previously declared.
 759  In the extended usage form, the references to be dumped can be given
 760  user-specified names.  If a name begins with a C<*>, the output will 
 761  describe the dereferenced type of the supplied reference for hashes and
 762  arrays, and coderefs.  Output of names will be avoided where possible if
 763  the C<Terse> flag is set.
 765  In many cases, methods that are used to set the internal state of the
 766  object will return the object itself, so method calls can be conveniently
 767  chained together.
 769  Several styles of output are possible, all controlled by setting
 770  the C<Indent> flag.  See L<Configuration Variables or Methods> below 
 771  for details.
 774  =head2 Methods
 776  =over 4
 778  =item I<PACKAGE>->new(I<ARRAYREF [>, I<ARRAYREF]>)
 780  Returns a newly created C<Data::Dumper> object.  The first argument is an
 781  anonymous array of values to be dumped.  The optional second argument is an
 782  anonymous array of names for the values.  The names need not have a leading
 783  C<$> sign, and must be comprised of alphanumeric characters.  You can begin
 784  a name with a C<*> to specify that the dereferenced type must be dumped
 785  instead of the reference itself, for ARRAY and HASH references.
 787  The prefix specified by C<$Data::Dumper::Varname> will be used with a
 788  numeric suffix if the name for a value is undefined.
 790  Data::Dumper will catalog all references encountered while dumping the
 791  values. Cross-references (in the form of names of substructures in perl
 792  syntax) will be inserted at all possible points, preserving any structural
 793  interdependencies in the original set of values.  Structure traversal is
 794  depth-first,  and proceeds in order from the first supplied value to
 795  the last.
 797  =item I<$OBJ>->Dump  I<or>  I<PACKAGE>->Dump(I<ARRAYREF [>, I<ARRAYREF]>)
 799  Returns the stringified form of the values stored in the object (preserving
 800  the order in which they were supplied to C<new>), subject to the
 801  configuration options below.  In a list context, it returns a list
 802  of strings corresponding to the supplied values.
 804  The second form, for convenience, simply calls the C<new> method on its
 805  arguments before dumping the object immediately.
 807  =item I<$OBJ>->Seen(I<[HASHREF]>)
 809  Queries or adds to the internal table of already encountered references.
 810  You must use C<Reset> to explicitly clear the table if needed.  Such
 811  references are not dumped; instead, their names are inserted wherever they
 812  are encountered subsequently.  This is useful especially for properly
 813  dumping subroutine references.
 815  Expects an anonymous hash of name => value pairs.  Same rules apply for names
 816  as in C<new>.  If no argument is supplied, will return the "seen" list of
 817  name => value pairs, in a list context.  Otherwise, returns the object
 818  itself.
 820  =item I<$OBJ>->Values(I<[ARRAYREF]>)
 822  Queries or replaces the internal array of values that will be dumped.
 823  When called without arguments, returns the values.  Otherwise, returns the
 824  object itself.
 826  =item I<$OBJ>->Names(I<[ARRAYREF]>)
 828  Queries or replaces the internal array of user supplied names for the values
 829  that will be dumped.  When called without arguments, returns the names.
 830  Otherwise, returns the object itself.
 832  =item I<$OBJ>->Reset
 834  Clears the internal table of "seen" references and returns the object
 835  itself.
 837  =back
 839  =head2 Functions
 841  =over 4
 843  =item Dumper(I<LIST>)
 845  Returns the stringified form of the values in the list, subject to the
 846  configuration options below.  The values will be named C<$VAR>I<n> in the
 847  output, where I<n> is a numeric suffix.  Will return a list of strings
 848  in a list context.
 850  =back
 852  =head2 Configuration Variables or Methods
 854  Several configuration variables can be used to control the kind of output
 855  generated when using the procedural interface.  These variables are usually
 856  C<local>ized in a block so that other parts of the code are not affected by
 857  the change.  
 859  These variables determine the default state of the object created by calling
 860  the C<new> method, but cannot be used to alter the state of the object
 861  thereafter.  The equivalent method names should be used instead to query
 862  or set the internal state of the object.
 864  The method forms return the object itself when called with arguments,
 865  so that they can be chained together nicely.
 867  =over 4
 869  =item *
 871  $Data::Dumper::Indent  I<or>  I<$OBJ>->Indent(I<[NEWVAL]>)
 873  Controls the style of indentation.  It can be set to 0, 1, 2 or 3.  Style 0
 874  spews output without any newlines, indentation, or spaces between list
 875  items.  It is the most compact format possible that can still be called
 876  valid perl.  Style 1 outputs a readable form with newlines but no fancy
 877  indentation (each level in the structure is simply indented by a fixed
 878  amount of whitespace).  Style 2 (the default) outputs a very readable form
 879  which takes into account the length of hash keys (so the hash value lines
 880  up).  Style 3 is like style 2, but also annotates the elements of arrays
 881  with their index (but the comment is on its own line, so array output
 882  consumes twice the number of lines).  Style 2 is the default.
 884  =item *
 886  $Data::Dumper::Purity  I<or>  I<$OBJ>->Purity(I<[NEWVAL]>)
 888  Controls the degree to which the output can be C<eval>ed to recreate the
 889  supplied reference structures.  Setting it to 1 will output additional perl
 890  statements that will correctly recreate nested references.  The default is
 891  0.
 893  =item *
 895  $Data::Dumper::Pad  I<or>  I<$OBJ>->Pad(I<[NEWVAL]>)
 897  Specifies the string that will be prefixed to every line of the output.
 898  Empty string by default.
 900  =item *
 902  $Data::Dumper::Varname  I<or>  I<$OBJ>->Varname(I<[NEWVAL]>)
 904  Contains the prefix to use for tagging variable names in the output. The
 905  default is "VAR".
 907  =item *
 909  $Data::Dumper::Useqq  I<or>  I<$OBJ>->Useqq(I<[NEWVAL]>)
 911  When set, enables the use of double quotes for representing string values.
 912  Whitespace other than space will be represented as C<[\n\t\r]>, "unsafe"
 913  characters will be backslashed, and unprintable characters will be output as
 914  quoted octal integers.  Since setting this variable imposes a performance
 915  penalty, the default is 0.  C<Dump()> will run slower if this flag is set,
 916  since the fast XSUB implementation doesn't support it yet.
 918  =item *
 920  $Data::Dumper::Terse  I<or>  I<$OBJ>->Terse(I<[NEWVAL]>)
 922  When set, Data::Dumper will emit single, non-self-referential values as
 923  atoms/terms rather than statements.  This means that the C<$VAR>I<n> names
 924  will be avoided where possible, but be advised that such output may not
 925  always be parseable by C<eval>.
 927  =item *
 929  $Data::Dumper::Freezer  I<or>  $I<OBJ>->Freezer(I<[NEWVAL]>)
 931  Can be set to a method name, or to an empty string to disable the feature.
 932  Data::Dumper will invoke that method via the object before attempting to
 933  stringify it.  This method can alter the contents of the object (if, for
 934  instance, it contains data allocated from C), and even rebless it in a
 935  different package.  The client is responsible for making sure the specified
 936  method can be called via the object, and that the object ends up containing
 937  only perl data types after the method has been called.  Defaults to an empty
 938  string.
 940  If an object does not support the method specified (determined using
 941  UNIVERSAL::can()) then the call will be skipped.  If the method dies a
 942  warning will be generated.
 944  =item *
 946  $Data::Dumper::Toaster  I<or>  $I<OBJ>->Toaster(I<[NEWVAL]>)
 948  Can be set to a method name, or to an empty string to disable the feature.
 949  Data::Dumper will emit a method call for any objects that are to be dumped
 950  using the syntax C<bless(DATA, CLASS)-E<gt>METHOD()>.  Note that this means that
 951  the method specified will have to perform any modifications required on the
 952  object (like creating new state within it, and/or reblessing it in a
 953  different package) and then return it.  The client is responsible for making
 954  sure the method can be called via the object, and that it returns a valid
 955  object.  Defaults to an empty string.
 957  =item *
 959  $Data::Dumper::Deepcopy  I<or>  $I<OBJ>->Deepcopy(I<[NEWVAL]>)
 961  Can be set to a boolean value to enable deep copies of structures.
 962  Cross-referencing will then only be done when absolutely essential
 963  (i.e., to break reference cycles).  Default is 0.
 965  =item *
 967  $Data::Dumper::Quotekeys  I<or>  $I<OBJ>->Quotekeys(I<[NEWVAL]>)
 969  Can be set to a boolean value to control whether hash keys are quoted.
 970  A false value will avoid quoting hash keys when it looks like a simple
 971  string.  Default is 1, which will always enclose hash keys in quotes.
 973  =item *
 975  $Data::Dumper::Bless  I<or>  $I<OBJ>->Bless(I<[NEWVAL]>)
 977  Can be set to a string that specifies an alternative to the C<bless>
 978  builtin operator used to create objects.  A function with the specified
 979  name should exist, and should accept the same arguments as the builtin.
 980  Default is C<bless>.
 982  =item *
 984  $Data::Dumper::Pair  I<or>  $I<OBJ>->Pair(I<[NEWVAL]>)
 986  Can be set to a string that specifies the separator between hash keys
 987  and values. To dump nested hash, array and scalar values to JavaScript,
 988  use: C<$Data::Dumper::Pair = ' : ';>. Implementing C<bless> in JavaScript
 989  is left as an exercise for the reader.
 990  A function with the specified name exists, and accepts the same arguments
 991  as the builtin.
 993  Default is: C< =E<gt> >.
 995  =item *
 997  $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth  I<or>  $I<OBJ>->Maxdepth(I<[NEWVAL]>)
 999  Can be set to a positive integer that specifies the depth beyond which
1000  which we don't venture into a structure.  Has no effect when
1001  C<Data::Dumper::Purity> is set.  (Useful in debugger when we often don't
1002  want to see more than enough).  Default is 0, which means there is 
1003  no maximum depth. 
1005  =item *
1007  $Data::Dumper::Useperl  I<or>  $I<OBJ>->Useperl(I<[NEWVAL]>)
1009  Can be set to a boolean value which controls whether the pure Perl
1010  implementation of C<Data::Dumper> is used. The C<Data::Dumper> module is
1011  a dual implementation, with almost all functionality written in both
1012  pure Perl and also in XS ('C'). Since the XS version is much faster, it
1013  will always be used if possible. This option lets you override the
1014  default behavior, usually for testing purposes only. Default is 0, which
1015  means the XS implementation will be used if possible.
1017  =item *
1019  $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys  I<or>  $I<OBJ>->Sortkeys(I<[NEWVAL]>)
1021  Can be set to a boolean value to control whether hash keys are dumped in
1022  sorted order. A true value will cause the keys of all hashes to be
1023  dumped in Perl's default sort order. Can also be set to a subroutine
1024  reference which will be called for each hash that is dumped. In this
1025  case C<Data::Dumper> will call the subroutine once for each hash,
1026  passing it the reference of the hash. The purpose of the subroutine is
1027  to return a reference to an array of the keys that will be dumped, in
1028  the order that they should be dumped. Using this feature, you can
1029  control both the order of the keys, and which keys are actually used. In
1030  other words, this subroutine acts as a filter by which you can exclude
1031  certain keys from being dumped. Default is 0, which means that hash keys
1032  are not sorted.
1034  =item *
1036  $Data::Dumper::Deparse  I<or>  $I<OBJ>->Deparse(I<[NEWVAL]>)
1038  Can be set to a boolean value to control whether code references are
1039  turned into perl source code. If set to a true value, C<B::Deparse>
1040  will be used to get the source of the code reference. Using this option
1041  will force using the Perl implementation of the dumper, since the fast
1042  XSUB implementation doesn't support it.
1044  Caution : use this option only if you know that your coderefs will be
1045  properly reconstructed by C<B::Deparse>.
1047  =back
1049  =head2 Exports
1051  =over 4
1053  =item Dumper
1055  =back
1057  =head1 EXAMPLES
1059  Run these code snippets to get a quick feel for the behavior of this
1060  module.  When you are through with these examples, you may want to
1061  add or change the various configuration variables described above,
1062  to see their behavior.  (See the testsuite in the Data::Dumper
1063  distribution for more examples.)
1066      use Data::Dumper;
1068      package Foo;
1069      sub new {bless {'a' => 1, 'b' => sub { return "foo" }}, $_[0]};
1071      package Fuz;                       # a weird REF-REF-SCALAR object
1072      sub new {bless \($_ = \ 'fu\'z'), $_[0]};
1074      package main;
1075      $foo = Foo->new;
1076      $fuz = Fuz->new;
1077      $boo = [ 1, [], "abcd", \*foo,
1078               {1 => 'a', 023 => 'b', 0x45 => 'c'}, 
1079               \\"p\q\'r", $foo, $fuz];
1081      ########
1082      # simple usage
1083      ########
1085      $bar = eval(Dumper($boo));
1086      print($@) if $@;
1087      print Dumper($boo), Dumper($bar);  # pretty print (no array indices)
1089      $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;          # don't output names where feasible
1090      $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;         # turn off all pretty print
1091      print Dumper($boo), "\n";
1093      $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;         # mild pretty print
1094      print Dumper($boo);
1096      $Data::Dumper::Indent = 3;         # pretty print with array indices
1097      print Dumper($boo);
1099      $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;          # print strings in double quotes
1100      print Dumper($boo);
1102      $Data::Dumper::Pair = " : ";       # specify hash key/value separator
1103      print Dumper($boo);
1106      ########
1107      # recursive structures
1108      ########
1110      @c = ('c');
1111      $c = \@c;
1112      $b = {};
1113      $a = [1, $b, $c];
1114      $b->{a} = $a;
1115      $b->{b} = $a->[1];
1116      $b->{c} = $a->[2];
1117      print Data::Dumper->Dump([$a,$b,$c], [qw(a b c)]);
1120      $Data::Dumper::Purity = 1;         # fill in the holes for eval
1121      print Data::Dumper->Dump([$a, $b], [qw(*a b)]); # print as @a
1122      print Data::Dumper->Dump([$b, $a], [qw(*b a)]); # print as %b
1125      $Data::Dumper::Deepcopy = 1;       # avoid cross-refs
1126      print Data::Dumper->Dump([$b, $a], [qw(*b a)]);
1129      $Data::Dumper::Purity = 0;         # avoid cross-refs
1130      print Data::Dumper->Dump([$b, $a], [qw(*b a)]);
1132      ########
1133      # deep structures
1134      ########
1136      $a = "pearl";
1137      $b = [ $a ];
1138      $c = { 'b' => $b };
1139      $d = [ $c ];
1140      $e = { 'd' => $d };
1141      $f = { 'e' => $e };
1142      print Data::Dumper->Dump([$f], [qw(f)]);
1144      $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 3;       # no deeper than 3 refs down
1145      print Data::Dumper->Dump([$f], [qw(f)]);
1148      ########
1149      # object-oriented usage
1150      ########
1152      $d = Data::Dumper->new([$a,$b], [qw(a b)]);
1153      $d->Seen({'*c' => $c});            # stash a ref without printing it
1154      $d->Indent(3);
1155      print $d->Dump;
1156      $d->Reset->Purity(0);              # empty the seen cache
1157      print join "----\n", $d->Dump;
1160      ########
1161      # persistence
1162      ########
1164      package Foo;
1165      sub new { bless { state => 'awake' }, shift }
1166      sub Freeze {
1167          my $s = shift;
1168      print STDERR "preparing to sleep\n";
1169      $s->{state} = 'asleep';
1170      return bless $s, 'Foo::ZZZ';
1171      }
1173      package Foo::ZZZ;
1174      sub Thaw {
1175          my $s = shift;
1176      print STDERR "waking up\n";
1177      $s->{state} = 'awake';
1178      return bless $s, 'Foo';
1179      }
1181      package Foo;
1182      use Data::Dumper;
1183      $a = Foo->new;
1184      $b = Data::Dumper->new([$a], ['c']);
1185      $b->Freezer('Freeze');
1186      $b->Toaster('Thaw');
1187      $c = $b->Dump;
1188      print $c;
1189      $d = eval $c;
1190      print Data::Dumper->Dump([$d], ['d']);
1193      ########
1194      # symbol substitution (useful for recreating CODE refs)
1195      ########
1197      sub foo { print "foo speaking\n" }
1198      *other = \&foo;
1199      $bar = [ \&other ];
1200      $d = Data::Dumper->new([\&other,$bar],['*other','bar']);
1201      $d->Seen({ '*foo' => \&foo });
1202      print $d->Dump;
1205      ########
1206      # sorting and filtering hash keys
1207      ########
1209      $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = \&my_filter;
1210      my $foo = { map { (ord, "$_$_$_") } 'I'..'Q' };
1211      my $bar = { %$foo };
1212      my $baz = { reverse %$foo };
1213      print Dumper [ $foo, $bar, $baz ];
1215      sub my_filter {
1216          my ($hash) = @_;
1217          # return an array ref containing the hash keys to dump
1218          # in the order that you want them to be dumped
1219          return [
1220            # Sort the keys of %$foo in reverse numeric order
1221              $hash eq $foo ? (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %$hash) :
1222            # Only dump the odd number keys of %$bar
1223              $hash eq $bar ? (grep {$_ % 2} keys %$hash) :
1224            # Sort keys in default order for all other hashes
1225              (sort keys %$hash)
1226          ];
1227      }
1229  =head1 BUGS
1231  Due to limitations of Perl subroutine call semantics, you cannot pass an
1232  array or hash.  Prepend it with a C<\> to pass its reference instead.  This
1233  will be remedied in time, now that Perl has subroutine prototypes.
1234  For now, you need to use the extended usage form, and prepend the
1235  name with a C<*> to output it as a hash or array.
1237  C<Data::Dumper> cheats with CODE references.  If a code reference is
1238  encountered in the structure being processed (and if you haven't set
1239  the C<Deparse> flag), an anonymous subroutine that
1240  contains the string '"DUMMY"' will be inserted in its place, and a warning
1241  will be printed if C<Purity> is set.  You can C<eval> the result, but bear
1242  in mind that the anonymous sub that gets created is just a placeholder.
1243  Someday, perl will have a switch to cache-on-demand the string
1244  representation of a compiled piece of code, I hope.  If you have prior
1245  knowledge of all the code refs that your data structures are likely
1246  to have, you can use the C<Seen> method to pre-seed the internal reference
1247  table and make the dumped output point to them, instead.  See L</EXAMPLES>
1248  above.
1250  The C<Useqq> and C<Deparse> flags makes Dump() run slower, since the
1251  XSUB implementation does not support them.
1253  SCALAR objects have the weirdest looking C<bless> workaround.
1255  Pure Perl version of C<Data::Dumper> escapes UTF-8 strings correctly
1256  only in Perl 5.8.0 and later.
1258  =head2 NOTE
1260  Starting from Perl 5.8.1 different runs of Perl will have different
1261  ordering of hash keys.  The change was done for greater security,
1262  see L<perlsec/"Algorithmic Complexity Attacks">.  This means that
1263  different runs of Perl will have different Data::Dumper outputs if
1264  the data contains hashes.  If you need to have identical Data::Dumper
1265  outputs from different runs of Perl, use the environment variable
1266  PERL_HASH_SEED, see L<perlrun/PERL_HASH_SEED>.  Using this restores
1267  the old (platform-specific) ordering: an even prettier solution might
1268  be to use the C<Sortkeys> filter of Data::Dumper.
1270  =head1 AUTHOR
1272  Gurusamy Sarathy        gsar@activestate.com
1274  Copyright (c) 1996-98 Gurusamy Sarathy. All rights reserved.
1275  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
1276  modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
1278  =head1 VERSION
1280  Version 2.121  (Aug 24 2003)
1282  =head1 SEE ALSO
1284  perl(1)
1286  =cut

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