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/se3master/var/www/se3/html2pdf/ -> html2pdf.class.php (summary)

HTML2PDF Librairy - main class

Author: Laurent MINGUET <webmaster@html2pdf.fr>
Version: 4.03
File Size: 6488 lines (251 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

HTML2PDF:: (182 methods):

Class: HTML2PDF  - X-Ref

__construct($orientation = 'P', $format = 'A4', $langue='fr', $unicode=true, $encoding='UTF-8', $marges = array(5, 5, 5, 8)   X-Ref
class constructor

param: string   $orientation page orientation, same as TCPDF
param: mixed    $format      The format used for pages, same as TCPDF
param: $tring   $langue      Langue : fr, en, it...
param: boolean  $unicode     TRUE means that the input text is unicode (default = true)
param: String   $encoding    charset encoding; default is UTF-8
param: array    $marges      Default marges (left, top, right, bottom)
return: HTML2PDF $this

__destruct()   X-Ref

return: null

__clone()   X-Ref
Clone to create a sub HTML2PDF from HTML2PDF::$_subobj

setModeDebug()   X-Ref
set the debug mode to On

return: HTML2PDF $this

setTestTdInOnePage($mode = true)   X-Ref
Set the test of TD thdat can not take more than one page

param: boolean  $mode
return: HTML2PDF $this

setTestIsImage($mode = true)   X-Ref
Set the test if the images exist or not

param: boolean  $mode
return: HTML2PDF $this

setTestIsDeprecated($mode = true)   X-Ref
Set the test on deprecated functions

param: boolean  $mode
return: HTML2PDF $this

setDefaultFont($default = null)   X-Ref
Set the default font to use, if no font is specify, or if the asked font does not exist

param: string   $default name of the default font to use. If null : Arial is no font is specify, and error if the asked font does not exist
return: HTML2PDF $this

addFont($family, $style='', $file='')   X-Ref
add a font, see TCPDF function addFont

param: string $family Font family. The name can be chosen arbitrarily. If it is a standard family name, it will override the corresponding font.
param: string $style Font style. Possible values are (case insensitive):<ul><li>empty string: regular (default)</li><li>B: bold</li><li>I: italic</li><li>BI or IB: bold italic</li></ul>
param: string $fontfile The font definition file. By default, the name is built from the family and style, in lower case with no spaces.
return: HTML2PDF $this

createIndex($titre = 'Index', $sizeTitle = 20, $sizeBookmark = 15, $bookmarkTitle = true, $displayPage = true, $onPage = null, $fontName = 'helvetica')   X-Ref
display a automatic index, from the bookmarks

param: string  $titre         index title
param: int     $sizeTitle     font size of the index title, in mm
param: int     $sizeBookmark  font size of the index, in mm
param: boolean $bookmarkTitle add a bookmark for the index, at his beginning
param: boolean $displayPage   display the page numbers
param: int     $onPage        if null : at the end of the document on a new page, else on the $onPage page
param: string  $fontName      font name to use
return: null

_cleanUp()   X-Ref
clean up the objects

Output($name = '', $dest = false)   X-Ref
Send the document to a given destination: string, local file or browser.
Dest can be :
I : send the file inline to the browser (default). The plug-in is used if available. The name given by name is used when one selects the "Save as" option on the link generating the PDF.
D : send to the browser and force a file download with the name given by name.
F : save to a local server file with the name given by name.
S : return the document as a string. name is ignored.
FI: equivalent to F + I option
FD: equivalent to F + D option
true  => I
false => S

param: string $name The name of the file when saved.
param: string $dest Destination where to send the document.
return: string content of the PDF, if $dest=S

writeHTML($html, $debugVue = false)   X-Ref
convert HTML to PDF

param: string   $html
param: boolean  $debugVue  enable the HTML debug vue
return: null

getHtmlFromPage($html)   X-Ref
convert the HTML of a real page, to a code adapted to HTML2PDF

param: string HTML of a real page
return: string HTML adapted to HTML2PDF

initSubHtml($format, $orientation, $marge, $page, $defLIST, $myLastPageGroup, $myLastPageGroupNb)   X-Ref
init a sub HTML2PDF. does not use it directly. Only the method createSubHTML must use it

param: string  $format
param: string  $orientation
param: array   $marge
param: integer $page
param: array   $defLIST
param: integer $myLastPageGroup
param: integer $myLastPageGroupNb

_vueHTML($content)   X-Ref
display the content in HTML moden for debug

param: string $contenu

_setDefaultMargins($left, $top, $right = null, $bottom = null)   X-Ref
set the default margins of the page

param: int $left   (mm, left margin)
param: int $top    (mm, top margin)
param: int $right  (mm, right margin, if null => left=right)
param: int $bottom (mm, bottom margin, if null => bottom=8mm)

_setNewPage($format = null, $orientation = '', $background = null, $curr = null, $resetPageNumber=false)   X-Ref
create a new page

param: mixed   $format
param: string  $orientation
param: array   $background background information
param: integer $curr real position in the html parseur (if break line in the write of a text)
param: boolean $resetPageNumber

_setMargins()   X-Ref
set the real margin, using the default margins and the page margins

_DEBUG_add($name, $level=null)   X-Ref
add a debug step

param: string  $name step name
param: boolean $level (true=up, false=down, null=nothing to do)
return: $this

_DEBUG_stepline($name, $timeTotal, $timeStep, $memoryUsage, $memoryPeak)   X-Ref
display a debug line

param: string $name
param: string $timeTotal
param: string $timeStep
param: string $memoryUsage
param: string $memoryPeak

_getMargins($y)   X-Ref
get the Min and Max X, for Y (use the float margins)

param: float $y
return: array(float, float)

_addMargins($float, $xLeft, $yTop, $xRight, $yBottom)   X-Ref
Add margins, for a float

param: string $float (left / right)
param: float  $xLeft
param: float  $yTop
param: float  $xRight
param: float  $yBottom

_saveMargin($ml, $mt, $mr)   X-Ref
Save old margins (push), and set new ones

param: float  $ml left margin
param: float  $mt top margin
param: float  $mr right margin

_loadMargin()   X-Ref
load the last saved margins (pop)

_saveMax()   X-Ref
save the current maxs (push)

_loadMax()   X-Ref
load the last saved current maxs (pop)

_setPageHeader()   X-Ref
draw the PDF header with the HTML in page_header

_setPageFooter()   X-Ref
draw the PDF footer with the HTML in page_footer

_setNewLine($h, $curr = null)   X-Ref
new line, with a specific height

param: float   $h
param: integer $curr real current position in the text, if new line in the write of a text

_setNewPositionForNewLine($curr = null)   X-Ref
calculate the start position of the next line,  depending on the text-align

param: integer $curr real current position in the text, if new line in the write of a text

_prepareSubObj()   X-Ref
prepare HTML2PDF::$_subobj (used for create the sub HTML2PDF objects

_createSubHTML(&$subHtml, $cellmargin=0)   X-Ref
create a sub HTML2PDF, to calculate the multi-tables

param: &HTML2PDF $subHtml sub HTML2PDF to create
param: integer   $cellmargin if in a TD : cellmargin of this td

_destroySubHTML(&$subHtml)   X-Ref
destroy a subHTML2PDF

_listeArab2Rom($nbArabic)   X-Ref
Convert a arabic number in roman number

param: integer $nbArabic
return: string  $nbRoman

_listeAddLi()   X-Ref
add a LI to the current level

_listeGetWidth()   X-Ref
get the width to use for the column of the list

return: string $width

_listeGetPadding()   X-Ref
get the padding to use for the column of the list

return: string $padding

_listeGetLi()   X-Ref
get the information of the li on the current level

return: array(fontName, small size, string)

_listeAddLevel($type = 'ul', $style = '', $img = null)   X-Ref
add a level to the list

param: string $type  : ul, ol
param: string $style : lower-alpha, ...
param: string $img

_listeDelLevel()   X-Ref
remove a level to the list

_makeHTMLcode()   X-Ref
execute the actions to convert the html

_executeAction($action)   X-Ref
execute the action from the parsing

param: array $action

_getElementY($h)   X-Ref
get the position of the element on the current line, depending on his height

param: float $h
return: float

_makeBreakLine($h, $curr = null)   X-Ref
make a break line

param: float $h current line height
param: integer $curr real current position in the text, if new line in the write of a text

_drawImage($src, $subLi=false)   X-Ref
display a image

param: string $src
param: boolean $subLi if true=image of a list
return: boolean depending on "isForOneLine"

_drawRectangle($x, $y, $w, $h, $border, $padding, $margin, $background)   X-Ref
draw a rectangle

param: float $x
param: float $y
param: float $w
param: float $h
param: array $border
param: float $padding - internal marge of the rectanble => not used, but...
param: float $margin  - external marge of the rectanble
param: array $background
return: boolean

_drawCurve($pt, $color)   X-Ref
draw a curve (for border radius)

param: array $pt
param: array $color

_drawLine($pt, $color, $type, $width, $radius=3)   X-Ref
draw a ligne with a specific type, and specific start and end for radius

param: array   $pt
param: float   $color
param: string  $type (dashed, dotted, double, solid)
param: float   $width
param: integer $radius (binary from 0 to 3 with 1=>start with a radius, 2=>end with a radius)

_prepareTransform($transform)   X-Ref
prepare a transform matrix, only for drawing a SVG graphic

param: string $transform
return: array  $matrix

_calculateTableCellSize(&$cases, &$corr)   X-Ref

param: &array $cases
param: &array $corr

_tag_open_PAGE($param)   X-Ref
tag : PAGE
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_PAGE($param)   X-Ref
tag : PAGE
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_PAGE_HEADER($param)   X-Ref
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_PAGE_FOOTER($param)   X-Ref
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_PAGE_HEADER_SUB($param)   X-Ref
It is not a real tag. Does not use it directly

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_PAGE_HEADER_SUB($param)   X-Ref
It is not a real tag. Does not use it directly

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_PAGE_FOOTER_SUB($param)   X-Ref
It is not a real tag. Does not use it directly

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_PAGE_FOOTER_SUB($param)   X-Ref
It is not a real tag. Does not use it directly

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_NOBREAK($param)   X-Ref
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_NOBREAK($param)   X-Ref
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_DIV($param, $other = 'div')   X-Ref
tag : DIV
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
param: string $other name of tag that used the div tag
return: boolean

_tag_open_BLOCKQUOTE($param)   X-Ref
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_LEGEND($param)   X-Ref
tag : LEGEND
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_FIELDSET($param)   X-Ref
mode : OPEN

author: Pavel Kochman
param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_DIV($param, $other='div')   X-Ref
tag : DIV
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
param: string $other name of tag that used the div tag
return: boolean

_tag_close_BLOCKQUOTE($param)   X-Ref
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_FIELDSET($param)   X-Ref
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_LEGEND($param)   X-Ref
tag : LEGEND
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_BARCODE($param)   X-Ref
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_BARCODE($param)   X-Ref
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_QRCODE($param)   X-Ref
tag : QRCODE
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_QRCODE($param)   X-Ref
tag : QRCODE
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_BOOKMARK($param)   X-Ref
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_BOOKMARK($param)   X-Ref
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_WRITE($param)   X-Ref
this is not a real TAG, it is just to write texts

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_BR($param, $curr = null)   X-Ref
tag : BR
mode : OPEN

param: array   $param
param: integer $curr real position in the html parseur (if break line in the write of a text)
return: boolean

_tag_open_HR($param)   X-Ref
tag : HR
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_B($param, $other = 'b')   X-Ref
tag : B
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
param: string $other
return: boolean

_tag_open_STRONG($param)   X-Ref
tag : STRONG
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_B($param)   X-Ref
tag : B
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_STRONG($param)   X-Ref
tag : STRONG
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_I($param, $other = 'i')   X-Ref
tag : I
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
param: string $other
return: boolean

_tag_open_ADDRESS($param)   X-Ref
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_CITE($param)   X-Ref
tag : CITE
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_EM($param)   X-Ref
tag : EM
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_SAMP($param)   X-Ref
tag : SAMP
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_I($param)   X-Ref
tag : I
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_ADDRESS($param)   X-Ref
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_CITE($param)   X-Ref
tag : CITE
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_EM($param)   X-Ref
tag : EM
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_SAMP($param)   X-Ref
tag : SAMP
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_S($param, $other = 's')   X-Ref
tag : S
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
param: string $other
return: boolean

_tag_open_DEL($param)   X-Ref
tag : DEL
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_S($param)   X-Ref
tag : S
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_DEL($param)   X-Ref
tag : DEL
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_U($param, $other='u')   X-Ref
tag : U
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
param: string $other
return: boolean

_tag_open_INS($param)   X-Ref
tag : INS
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_U($param)   X-Ref
tag : U
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_INS($param)   X-Ref
tag : INS
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_A($param)   X-Ref
tag : A
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_A($param)   X-Ref
tag : A
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_H1($param, $other = 'h1')   X-Ref
tag : H1
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
param: string $other
return: boolean

_tag_open_H2($param)   X-Ref
tag : H2
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_H3($param)   X-Ref
tag : H3
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_H4($param)   X-Ref
tag : H4
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_H5($param)   X-Ref
tag : H5
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_H6($param)   X-Ref
tag : H6
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_H1($param)   X-Ref
tag : H1
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_H2($param)   X-Ref
tag : H2
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_H3($param)   X-Ref
tag : H3
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_H4($param)   X-Ref
tag : H4
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_H5($param)   X-Ref
tag : H5
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_H6($param)   X-Ref
tag : H6
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_SPAN($param, $other = 'span')   X-Ref
tag : SPAN
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
param: string $other
return: boolean

_tag_open_FONT($param)   X-Ref
tag : FONT
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_LABEL($param)   X-Ref
tag : LABEL
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_SPAN($param)   X-Ref
tag : SPAN
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_FONT($param)   X-Ref
tag : FONT
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_LABEL($param)   X-Ref
tag : LABEL
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_P($param)   X-Ref
tag : P
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_P($param)   X-Ref
tag : P
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_PRE($param, $other = 'pre')   X-Ref
tag : PRE
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
param: string $other
return: boolean

_tag_open_CODE($param)   X-Ref
tag : CODE
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
param: string $other
return: boolean

_tag_close_PRE($param, $other = 'pre')   X-Ref
tag : PRE
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
param: string $other
return: boolean

_tag_close_CODE($param)   X-Ref
tag : CODE
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_BIG($param)   X-Ref
tag : BIG
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_BIG($param)   X-Ref
tag : BIG
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_SMALL($param)   X-Ref
tag : SMALL
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_SMALL($param)   X-Ref
tag : SMALL
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_SUP($param)   X-Ref
tag : SUP
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_SUP($param)   X-Ref
tag : SUP
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_SUB($param)   X-Ref
tag : SUB
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_SUB($param)   X-Ref
tag : SUB
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_UL($param, $other = 'ul')   X-Ref
tag : UL
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
param: string $other
return: boolean

_tag_open_OL($param)   X-Ref
tag : OL
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_UL($param)   X-Ref
tag : UL
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_OL($param)   X-Ref
tag : OL
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_LI($param)   X-Ref
tag : LI
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_LI($param)   X-Ref
tag : LI
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_TBODY($param)   X-Ref
tag : TBODY
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_TBODY($param)   X-Ref
tag : TBODY
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_THEAD($param)   X-Ref
tag : THEAD
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_THEAD($param)   X-Ref
tag : THEAD
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_TFOOT($param)   X-Ref
tag : TFOOT
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_TFOOT($param)   X-Ref
tag : TFOOT
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_THEAD_SUB($param)   X-Ref
It is not a real TAG, does not use it !

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_THEAD_SUB($param)   X-Ref
It is not a real TAG, does not use it !

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_TFOOT_SUB($param)   X-Ref
It is not a real TAG, does not use it !

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_TFOOT_SUB($param)   X-Ref
It is not a real TAG, does not use it !

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_FORM($param)   X-Ref
tag : FORM
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_FORM($param)   X-Ref
tag : FORM
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_TABLE($param, $other = 'table')   X-Ref
tag : TABLE
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_TABLE($param)   X-Ref
tag : TABLE
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_COL($param)   X-Ref
tag : COL
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_COL($param)   X-Ref
tag : COL
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_TR($param, $other = 'tr')   X-Ref
tag : TR
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_TR($param)   X-Ref
tag : TR
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_TD($param, $other = 'td')   X-Ref
tag : TD
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_TD($param)   X-Ref
tag : TD
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_TH($param)   X-Ref
tag : TH
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_TH($param)   X-Ref
tag : TH
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_IMG($param)   X-Ref
tag : IMG
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_SELECT($param)   X-Ref
tag : SELECT
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_OPTION($param)   X-Ref
tag : OPTION
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_OPTION($param)   X-Ref
tag : OPTION
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_SELECT()   X-Ref
tag : SELECT
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_TEXTAREA($param)   X-Ref
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_TEXTAREA()   X-Ref
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_INPUT($param)   X-Ref
tag : INPUT
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_DRAW($param)   X-Ref
tag : DRAW
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_DRAW($param)   X-Ref
tag : DRAW
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_LINE($param)   X-Ref
tag : LINE
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_RECT($param)   X-Ref
tag : RECT
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_CIRCLE($param)   X-Ref
tag : CIRCLE
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_ELLIPSE($param)   X-Ref
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_POLYLINE($param)   X-Ref
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_POLYGON($param)   X-Ref
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_PATH($param)   X-Ref
tag : PATH
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_open_G($param)   X-Ref
tag : G
mode : OPEN

param: array $param
return: boolean

_tag_close_G($param)   X-Ref
tag : G
mode : CLOSE

param: array $param
return: boolean

_INDEX_NewPage(&$page)   X-Ref
new page for the automatic Index, does not use thie method. Only HTML2PDF_myPdf could use it !!!!

param: &int $page
return: integer $oldPage

Generated: Tue Mar 17 22:47:18 2015 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1