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/se3master/var/www/se3/includes/library/HTMLPurifier/ -> Arborize.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4   * Converts a stream of HTMLPurifier_Token into an HTMLPurifier_Node,
   5   * and back again.
   6   *
   7   * @note This transformation is not an equivalence.  We mutate the input
   8   * token stream to make it so; see all [MUT] markers in code.
   9   */
  10  class HTMLPurifier_Arborize
  11  {
  12      public static function arborize($tokens, $config, $context) {
  13          $definition = $config->getHTMLDefinition();
  14          $parent = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Start($definition->info_parent);
  15          $stack = array($parent->toNode());
  16          foreach ($tokens as $token) {
  17              $token->skip = null; // [MUT]
  18              $token->carryover = null; // [MUT]
  19              if ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_End) {
  20                  $token->start = null; // [MUT]
  21                  $r = array_pop($stack);
  22                  assert($r->name === $token->name);
  23                  assert(empty($token->attr));
  24                  $r->endCol = $token->col;
  25                  $r->endLine = $token->line;
  26                  $r->endArmor = $token->armor;
  27                  continue;
  28              }
  29              $node = $token->toNode();
  30              $stack[count($stack)-1]->children[] = $node;
  31              if ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start) {
  32                  $stack[] = $node;
  33              }
  34          }
  35          assert(count($stack) == 1);
  36          return $stack[0];
  37      }
  39      public static function flatten($node, $config, $context) {
  40          $level = 0;
  41          $nodes = array($level => new HTMLPurifier_Queue(array($node)));
  42          $closingTokens = array();
  43          $tokens = array();
  44          do {
  45              while (!$nodes[$level]->isEmpty()) {
  46                  $node = $nodes[$level]->shift(); // FIFO
  47                  list($start, $end) = $node->toTokenPair();
  48                  if ($level > 0) {
  49                      $tokens[] = $start;
  50                  }
  51                  if ($end !== NULL) {
  52                      $closingTokens[$level][] = $end;
  53                  }
  54                  if ($node instanceof HTMLPurifier_Node_Element) {
  55                      $level++;
  56                      $nodes[$level] = new HTMLPurifier_Queue();
  57                      foreach ($node->children as $childNode) {
  58                          $nodes[$level]->push($childNode);
  59                      }
  60                  }
  61              }
  62              $level--;
  63              if ($level && isset($closingTokens[$level])) {
  64                  while ($token = array_pop($closingTokens[$level])) {
  65                      $tokens[] = $token;
  66                  }
  67              }
  68          } while ($level > 0);
  69          return $tokens;
  70      }
  71  }

Generated: Tue Mar 17 22:47:18 2015 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1