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/se3master/var/www/se3/includes/library/HTMLPurifier/Token/ -> End.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4   * Concrete end token class.
   5   *
   6   * @warning This class accepts attributes even though end tags cannot. This
   7   * is for optimization reasons, as under normal circumstances, the Lexers
   8   * do not pass attributes.
   9   */
  10  class HTMLPurifier_Token_End extends HTMLPurifier_Token_Tag
  11  {
  12      /**
  13       * Token that started this node.
  14       * Added by MakeWellFormed. Please do not edit this!
  15       * @type HTMLPurifier_Token
  16       */
  17      public $start;
  19      public function toNode() {
  20          throw new Exception("HTMLPurifier_Token_End->toNode not supported!");
  21      }
  22  }
  24  // vim: et sw=4 sts=4

Generated: Tue Mar 17 22:47:18 2015 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1